Daimon, Hiroyuki
Affiliation | Student Support Center |
Concurrent post | Research Center for Agrotechnology and Biotechnology Department of Applied chemistry and Life Science |
Title | Professor |
Fields of Research | Environmental Chemical Engineering / Envionmental Science / Supercritical Fluid Thechnology / Analytical Chemistry |
Degree | PhD (Engineering) (Toyohashi University of Thechnology) |
Academic Societies | Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management / Chemical Engineering of Japan / Society of Environmental Scince, Japan Society of Water Environment and so on |
daimon@ Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above. |
Laboratory website URL | http://water.ens.tut.ac.jp/index.html |
Researcher information URL(researchmap) | Researcher information |
We have been developing the waste recycling and biomass utilization technologies for the establishment of the sound material-cycle society with high ecological homeostasis. The research projects are focused on the development of process and methodology by utilizing the high-temperature and high-pressure water and the supercritical carbon dioxide technologies. These researches include intensive investigation of the whole process from production to disposal and from inorganic to organic matters. Recently, high-temperature (120-450 °C) and high-pressure (0.2-25 MPa) water and supercritical carbon dioxide (30-300 °C, 0.8-35 MPa) has been applying in the production of swine liquid feeding, development of an effective anaerobic digestion technology, determination of a comprehensive lipid biomarkers including respiratory quinones (RQ), phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), phospholipid ether lipids (PLEL) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in environmental samples, such as sewage sludge, anaerobic digested effluent and compost. Our group is also involved in the development of "biomass town project" in several cities.
Theme1:Construction of Reserch Center for Production and Utilization of Biomass
Changing the high-temperature and high-pressure water conditions can significantly affect the physical properties of water. Therefore, application of the high-temperature and high-pressure water technologies attracts attention in various fields in recent years. The following are some researches in our group that have been carried out as the fundamental technologies to establish the sustainable recycling society: (1) Recovery of rare earth metals from waste vehicle-converter catalyst; (2) Recovery of carbon fibers by regenerating from fiber reinforced resins; (3) Recovery of fibers from natural waste materials; (4) Elimination of hazardous ash waste from aluminum and its conversion into recyclable resource; (5) Recycling treatment of waste sand mold from metal casting; (6) Conversion of poly-lactate into value-added material.
Theme2:Production of High Quality Liquid Feed from Recycled Organic Resources by Hydrothermal Reaction
Organic wastes have become an important issue in the world, and consequently, the recycling and reutilization of these wastes have drawn increased attention of many environmentalists. As Japanese food waste recycle law has been enforced as a new policy to promote the recycling of food waste, recycling of food waste into liquid animal feeding has been given a priority over recycling for other uses. Technologies which would treat these wastes or even recover some useful organic materials before disposal are of significant importance. One of the possible techniques for the treatment of organic wastes is the use of hydrothermal reaction. The hydrothermal reaction is a promising method for amino acids production and preparation of animal liquid feed from various organic wastes. The liquid feeding has many advantages over dry animal feed, such as control of a respiratory disease, cheaper feeds, automating of feeding system, reduction of the energy consumption. Our studies showed that liquid feed produced by hydrothermal reaction provided a better digestion for animals (high digestibility). The decomposition of organic wastes had produced value-added compounds of organic and amino acids that could be used for animal liquid feeding. Furthermore, we have also proposed a scenario to design a resource recycling network system based on our developed liquid feeding technology to enhance the formation of society in organic resources recycling.
Theme3:Development and Application of a Novel Method for Analysis of Microbial Community Structure
Increased awareness of the environmental, health and safety issues in the use of organic solvents has triggered the studies of supercritical fluid extraction. Supercritical fluid extraction using carbon dioxide as a solvent is a green technology and offers numerous advantages for analytical purpose, mainly rapidity and low organic solvent volume usage. We have been developing a new application of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction on the determination of microbial community structure for environmental assessment. Four lipid biomarkers including respiratory quinones (RQ), phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), phospholipid ether lipids (PLEL), and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) have been investigated. The studies showed the potential application of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction as a routine method for the comprehensive analysis of microbial community structures in environmental assessment using the lipid biomarkers profile. The developed method have been applied to various environmental samples from anaerobic digestion, wastewater treatment, and composting process. These methodologies could open the road to a superior method for analyzing microbial lipid biomarkers comprehensively for environmental assessment and monitoring, with the possibility of extended application and automation. We also propose a next generation microbial bio-indicator indices to evaluate microbial community structure.
Title of class
Advanced Supercritical Fluid Engineering, Japanese Life Today, Advanced Ecological Engineering, Seminar on Applied Chemistry ann Life Science I・Ⅱ, Thesis Reserch on Applied Chemistry ann Life Science, Project Research