Ohira, Takashi
Affiliation | Research Center for Future Vehicle City |
Title | Emeritus Professor and Project Professor |
Fields of Research | Wave Engineering / RF Circuits / Mobile Power Transfer |
Degree | Doctor of Engineering, Osaka University |
Academic Societies | IEEE Life Fellow / IEICE Fellow / URSI Fellow |
ohira@ Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above. |
Laboratory website URL | https://wave.rcfvc.tut.ac.jp/we/ja/ |
Researcher information URL(researchmap) | Researcher information |
Takashi Ohira (ohira@tut.jp) received his PhD degree from Osaka University in 1983. He developed GaAs MMICs for multi-beam satellite transponders at NTT Yokosuka Laboratory. He created electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antennas at ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories. He founded two regional chapters for IEEE MTT Society (Kansai Chapter in 2006 and Nagoya Chapter in 2010). He served as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer from 2013 to 2015. He inaugurated the IEICE wireless power transfer annual competition championship series in 2014. He presided over IEICE Tokai Section in 2016. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at Toyohashi University of Technology. He is an IEICE Fellow, URSI Fellow, and IEEE Life Fellow.
Selected Recent Publications
[1] T. Ohira, "Linear algebra elucidates class-E power amplifiers," IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol.23, no.1, pp.83-105, Jan. 2022.
[2] T. Ohira, "A radio engineer's voyage to double-century-old plane geometry," IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol.21, no.11, pp.60-67, Nov. 2020.
[3] T. Ohira, "Power transfer theory on linear passive two-port systems (invited)," IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol.E101-C, no.10, pp.719-726, Oct. 2018.
[4] T. Ohira, "The kQ product as viewed by an analog circuit engineer," IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol.17, no.1, pp.27-32, Feb. 2017.
[5] T. Ohira, "What in the world is Q: Distinguished Lecture," IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol.17, no.6, pp.42-49, June 2016.