


Izumi, Tsukasa

Affiliation Institute of Liberal Arts and Science
Concurrent post Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Modern Japanese literature:Japanese literature of Japan ruled Taiwan/ literature prize/Japanese-language education of Japanese colony
Degree Ph.D. in Literature (Keio University)
E-mail izumi@las
Please append ".tut.ac.jp" to the end of the address above.
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


My research is on the literary movements in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895~1945).

I also consider the system of sending scripts to the "Literature Prize" among the youths all over Japan and its colonies, with the purpose of encouraging them to become 'writers'.

Theme1:Japanese Literature in Japanese ruled Taiwan


Why did Taiwanese youths who were educated in Japanese during the Japanese Colonial Period carry out literary activities using Japanese?
What are the topics presented in these novels written by Taiwanese?

Theme2: "Literature Prize"


What is the role played by the Literature Prize in the recent development of modern Japanese literature?
What are the functions and capabilities of the Literary Prize?

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