


Hikima, Kazuhiro

Affiliation Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering
Title Assistant Professor
Fields of Research Inorganic Materials Science, Energy related chemistry
Degree Doctor of Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Master of Management of Technology (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Academic Societies ECS (The Electrochemical Society of Japan), SSI (The Solid State Ionics Society of Japan), JSPM (Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy), CerSJ (The Ceramic Society of Japan)
E-mail hikima.kazuhiro.ou@
Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://ion.ee.tut.ac.jp
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information

Title of class

Experimental Practice for Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering 1 (B12510140)
Experimental Practice for Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering 2 (B12610120)
Laboratory Work in Chemistry (B10130130)

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