


Oguchi, Tatsuo

Affiliation Department of Applied chemistry and Life Science
Title Associate Professor
Fields of Research Elementary reaction / Combustion chemistry / Energy Engineering
Degree Ph.D. in Eng. (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Academic Societies American Chemical Society / The Combustion Institute (international) / The Chemical Society of Japan
E-mail oguchi@
Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above.
Laboratory website URL http://chem.tut.ac.jp/keel/
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


Although the global climate change due to the carbon dioxide emission from our modern life is serious problem, combustion technology is still very important in our life. We have to improve thermal efficiency and reduce unburned fuel on the internal combustion engines for motor vehicles. These days many people aware that the combustion chemistry is very important to understand the several phenomena in engines. Therefore, the information of detail chemical kinetic mechanism is highly recommended to develop new combustion system.
Now we try to reveal the complicated mechanism for the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the combustion systems, auto-ignition mechanism for the reference fuels, behavior of the small amount of intermediates in the reactor, and elementally reactions by using our self-constructed experimental apparatuses. Also, the theoretical calculation is a strong tool. We use the quantum chemical calculations to obtain chemical and thermal properties of molecules as well as reaction paths. These results are used to estimate the reaction rate coefficients of the elementally reactions. Finally, reaction models are constructed and are compared with the experimental studies for verification.

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