


Matsumoto, Akihiko

Affiliation Department of Applied chemistry and Life Science
Title Professor
Fields of Research Adsorption science/Interface chemistry
Degree Ph. D (Chiba University, Japan)
Academic Societies The Chemical Society of Japan / The Japan Society on Adsorption / The Japan Zeolite Society / The Catalysis Society of Japan / The Carbon Society of Japan / The Society for Chromatographic Science / The International Zeolite Association / The American Ch
E-mail aki@
Please append "tut.jp" to the end of the address above.
Researcher information URL(researchmap) Researcher information


I have been studying adsorption of gases on micro/mesoporous materials to characterize pore structure of adsorbents and interaction between gas molecules and solid surfaces by aid of several characterization techniques, such as adsorption microcalorimetry, adsorption measurement, and spectroscopic methods. My researches are also focused on development of novel porous materials by controlling surface chemical features and pore structures suitable for target gas molecules. Based on these research results, I am undertaking application studies on adsorption removal of air pollutants and adsorption storage of hydrogen and methane.

Title of class

Basic Physical Chemistry 1 / Basic Physical Chemistry 2 / Project Research / Colloid and Interface Science and Gas Phenomenology / Advanced Environmental Technology 2 / Advanced Physical Chemistry / Applied Physical Chemistry 2

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